Friday, November 25, 2011

...time to let go

don not feel like writing anything these days, there are surely some cosmic and past life connections with some people in your life, i can bet and vouch and swear upon it really.. its been happening since childhood, some one or the other for sure comes across , and that person just takes away everything you ever wished and yearned for.... guess its just destiny, but its really disappointing, but then, its practically in nobody's hands to fidget with it, my mom says, its the best to accept things the way they are and go with the flow, when you know , nothing can be done about it.... i know mum its a very piece of advice but its not that easy...

life's a beautiful puzzle game, with the significance of each and every block,some of them we already find in the game box, while rest we have to hunt for..

i guess... its time to let it go :)... hope i am strong enough to do it..

Friday, October 7, 2011


certain things can actually be termed as"0 comments" they are either too good to be commented upon or too upsetting .. well i have been facing such kinda of situations lately, the '0 comment' situations,though my dussehra was nice, with a funny ravan in the society, and yummy food, gosh we though we would be spotted as some trespassers :P who are just there greedy foody people, but naah we too had invitation hehehe...

it was a full on festive season, ganpati followed by durga pooja,... lights, colors, new clothes, sweets, families, gatherings, music( be it apt or not) fun and frolic everywhere, but there was always a contrast, recently with a very close friend of mine something very unpleasant happened just before Dussehra, her father expired.. i mean, its again a''0 comment'' situation... its like, should one be happy about the fest or sad about the loss??....

these '0 comment' situations sometimes really put you in a very tight spot, just now like, half and hour back, a very dear friend of mine preeti, whom i have mentioned in my earlier posts as well, asked me to come along with her for a short trip to mahabaleshwar, me, despite of wanting to go so badly, still stayed back... reason , some hidden old hesitations and lost old painful memories, which no matte rhow much you try, never seem to get normal..

lastly, this BIG FAT LIZARD, whom i happened to spot just now while talking to my roomi about ghosts and supernatural powers, something i just love to discuss, :p... goshh... i just hope this thing goes away sooonnnnnn....

Friday, September 30, 2011

dhinchak dandiya

finalyyy... dont know after how many days i am writing today was DANDIYA NIGHT!! at college, wahaaoo... well its not so wow also as exciting as its name seems :P..we started practicing in between of our exam jury only, have many gujju my class, they danced so beautifully, plus i just looovee to dance, be it any form :).. would love to go for this proper professional one some day :) as for now let me tell how it happens in our college :D for better explanation:
  • there"s a useless DJ, who tried to be really cool ... but its actually on the contrary .
  • this time we all got ready on time but the best part was.. the rains wow.. all of a sudden from nowhere it rained.. everyone thought it was a flop show but naah.. it did happen with full mastii!!..
  • A whole lot of people, some over dressed, some under dressed, some least bothered .
  • those carefree and care full people at the same time are absolutely '' clueless'' about what's dandiya or even garba ... gosh... what madness happens. people are trying to figure out somehow how do 1 move that 1 step.. but as always after 5 mins... they are back to there ''baraati dance''... ''dhinchak''...
  • but it was fun... after sulking for more than a week now, i was really happy for a change,dressed up with full zeal and excitement... love to dress up when i am in a mood, else usually i am just-out-of-bed types :p.
  • my roomi , who happens to be from ahmedabad, she taught me garba ... waaahhoooo i just loved it.. always wanted to do that dance in those big huge circles how they show on tv, though never got a chance, but i did learn and it is so soo nice, overwhelms you completely :)
  • aha forgot, something was seriously wrong with me today, i was on this fast, but as always i was dancing like a drunkard my legs are completely out of order...
  • yeah.. the day was nice... ended on a happy note.. would be even happier if i get a good night sleep.. which i surely will get as i am D-E-A-D tired..

Sunday, September 18, 2011

who will cry when you die?

well i am not talking about the book... just another thought, something i guess i'll have to

share it out on this blog window only, as i am not very good with verbal expres
sion, i

can counsel people,
but i can't express myself, its easier to pen it down, something that's happening continuously, since always, there's this question i have...

what fun do people get in , imitating someone and then acting that they didn't even notice?? behaving as if they always were this way when they themselves know it well that they never were so? meet someone, like something about it, yeah its no big deal if you pick it up.. but why the hell do you have to show it out as if it is your own original idea? WHY IS IT SO TOUGH TO COMPLIMENT OR GIVE SOME ONE THAT DESERVED CREDIT?

its not a big issues, if you are criticized for something you are not good at or you made a mistake in it... but it really kills you when you are pin pointed on something you are soo good at....its so unbelievable........ when your time is good, you find happiness in everything you do, in fact, in good times, even if u are upset with something, whatever you do really works out!!.. its so freaking true!!!... may be sounding doltish but it is my personal experience...and when your times are dark, whatever you do what ever you say is just misinterpreted , or goes unheard... personal experience again.. :)

i believe in stars, i believe in planets, i believe in good times and so do i in bad times.... people may say ''its crap, superstition etc etc''... but when it happens its impact is felt... generally, people are very good with giving lectures, that, why don't you do this that etc?... its really impossible for the likes of them to understand that its really painful, when all your trials fail, for no smothers you deeply, when everything you touch becomes obsolete... luck is not everything but it is ''something''....

whenever we are with some one whenever they are sad, and need a shoulder to rely upon cry upon.... we are remembered.... but whenever times are gay, we are forgotten, people move on.... happily :) don't even turn back, even to check if they have taken their bag or not.... once they walk they just walk...blindly.

a broken mirror is never remembered for all the beauty it once reflected, another question"".... aren't we actually forgetting our own beauty by forgetting that mirror?''
i used to feel.. that ya.. people are selfish let them be, its their wish,mostly its said..ya i became selfish as the situations were such, i do believe in it but to some extent..when some one becomes selfish due to circumstances it isin't a permanent change, deep down inside they are good which they were before, but people who were born selfish never change... but its painful to see, that such people only prosper these days.... even god is on their side..... so it means.. if you aren't selfish you do not deserve to be here?? has god made this earth only for those people????

then i guess.... it is a big question ".... who will cry when you die?'' look inside and evaluate yourself.... if you are selfish if you are self centered... you will have a good funeral :) otherwise... keep wondering....''who will cry when you die??''

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

god is.. one of us..

after throwing out buckets full of stagnant water, from my cornea and nasal cavities , got back to my same old facebook profile page, just when i noticed one of my friend's status, reading out a few lines from one of my favorite songs .... ''what if god was one of us?? just a slob like one of us... just a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home... back up to heaven all alone...''

whenever i listen to this song, it really takes me in a reverie, i start flying in my own world of whims and fancies, where there is God, my closest friend... whom i always forget, so i have decided to take this time out, to apologize to him, though he is never angry with anybody, as said by my wise mom, but, everyone needs love, appreciation, care, concern so does he. he does have a name,he does have a face,god is one of us, he too is a stranger on the bus, a slob like us , a loner sometimes, who is approached by myriad , but loved by a handful .... he needs phone calls, he needs emails( bruce almighty) :P....he is just like us, who loves to love and loves to be loved, he gets jealous, he is demanding, he is even a psycho sometimes, he is beautiful , he may be a she also :D he is his own biggest magic :)...
he's a child
he's a mother
he's a boyfriend
he's a brother
he's a stranger
he's a friend
his presence may fade for sometime, but he is the only companion , who was and will always be there till the end...

why is god always shown as an old wise man with a big white beard?

its a small realization, that keeps coming back to me , and then again fades back in the mist, the realization which i am still not able to accept, people say, think about yourself, let the rest go to hell... but.. god never asked us to do this ever.. did he? today, while walking on the empty streets around 11 in the night, i realized i was alone, physically, as well as mentally, where was my mind? it was still hunting for a companion, its easy to tell your physical being to adapt yourself to a situation, but to tell your intellectual being, it isin't very easy.

god, you always walk with us, behind us or may be ahead of us, where ever you walk, your main motto is ''just to be with us'' and become our holy guide. i know its pretty doltish, to keep looking for a skeleton covered with skin, always around you, but we all are lunatics, as this realization requires very high intellect, our secret pact , our treaties, our gossips, our confessions... where are they??? i promise i will find them back... very soon, :)....

yeah yeah god is great, yeah yeah god is good, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah....

Sunday, September 11, 2011

a child's caprice

awww it was my birthday, nursery class, posing with dad:P

new years eve, mum tryng to handle all three of us together, :P my sis me and ma bro, and god knows y v both(me and sis) are wearing those lehangas :P i loved to dance after wearing it hahaaha
one of my bday parties, dts my best buddy in red and black freny :):*
thats my sisy and i, posing donno for what, but i have that fake smile, didnt know how to smile actually the natural one :p
my family,cousins, mom, taiji, and my traffic graphic dress,, not so clear though, thats me in front of that lady in orange, dts my mom:P
the green skirt dress i mentioned above, gosh, what was wrong with my taste then, :-s..with harsh bhaiya and jyotika (cousins) its rakshabanshan i reckon
wonder why i made that face?
these pics can be related to, after reading those lines with a few highlights :)
while cleaning up my old closet of memories today , i found an old TOYBOX :) and this is what i found in there..:

A plastic hammer, with which i used to hit every body, gosh, had those psychopath killer traits since then.

A bed sheet, which had a print f this big circle drawn in the very bottom, which i always used 2 fear falling in , as i thought it was a well.. ahahaha, how innocent we are as small babies.

A Blue teddy bear, who used to play a small drum, gawwddd,, my sissy never gave it to me.. but i always used to snatch it hehehawhaw (satanic traits).

My beloved doggys, Aster, scooby, lyka, candy :((((((((((((((((((( RIP u all...

A fish game, my uncle brought for my sister actually, which i was so fond of, that i once even went to my maid's house and got it back , as my mom gave it to her without my consent ( how could you do so mum, not fair )

A Pink granular, sweet smelling rubber ball, loved to sniff it , it had such a nice fragrance, which failed all the perfumes of Arab , used to admire it like anything..( what was wrong with me :P?)

An Ice cream applique dress,and traffic graphic dress, used to always look for a bus on myslef whenever i wore it :P i had plans to wear it till my last breath, it had to be hidden somewhere in some corner by my maid and mom,only then did i let it go....( fashion conscious , though now i am not).

OH how can i forget that yellow pencil case, it had this weird sliding mechanism , but my sister, she always used to lure me with some other special effects and as a fool i always used to fall a prey,,, (sigh)... never mind.

That Multi- colored Xylophone mommmmm why did you have to give it away to one of my cousins grrrrrrr......

its a little weird , is it not? every girl has this madness for a 'doll'' and i haven't mentioned mine as yet, well its IMPOSSIBLE, i was just taking a special time out for them :D

i had 8 dolls, which were baptized and named, they were mostly catholic , as i loved those english names, though i always used to name the servant barbie as ''sheela'' hahaha... madness , i remember, once one of my maid's daughters who must have been 4-5 years elder to me hardly, and a ''Bachelor in superstitions''( told me that dolls came to life after 12.... creeppyyyy, and that night , after bidding them all goodnight, i said our holy chants, and did those mambo jumbo actions too, and slept so peacefully that those bad spirits are trapped now. (NOW that's a child's belief. :P)

one of the most integral parts of my toybox, is surely my bestest buddy, FRENY.. :*:*... she has been such a patient listener to my prattle, she should be awarded, surely.. i had those weirdest of ideas, of going to our favorite film star's house IN a , BOX... that would be our house, which will be a make shift one, stationed right in front of his gates, guess who???? Hrithik roshan :P..had hots for him, since he first came in kaho na pyar hai.

my list is yet not over:

Those erasers, bulb shaped, i remember that night i had turned the house upside down to get one of those, we even went to the market after 12, but it was obviously closed,( where was my common sense?)

That story book, which had kiri gami( type of origami in which cutting is allowed), it was just soo beautiful, each and every page i saw used to stand up to me, just loved watching it, and there was this story also about the fox and the rabbit, used to read it over and over again, as i loved it visuals...

Threptin biscuits!!!.. yummy.. sis and i just loved them, though it was a medicine but we never made it feel so, you see we are very warm people :D

That plush clown, which i never actually got , i still crave to have it but i left it as those days that soap used to come, WOH!! i got scared with clowns for a while:P

A few cassette tapes, specially, (whigfield, MJ, Diana keys, Britney spears......)

A whole bunch of old snaps, captured moments and beautiful memories :)

Oh my room and my cupboard, which held the poster of my Heartthrob, Leonardo Dicaprio... its like pressing a wrong nerve, i still have feelings for him :(..though i never let it out on my face :D

well my list will go on and on, and anyways many things are lost also now, from my toybox, but their memory and presence still lingers in my heart.

Lastly, my little idol of kanha:(.. which i lost not just once but twice, i know he is annoyed with me that's why he left me and went away.....heartbroken.

Friday, September 9, 2011

something we all know

ahem.... the fitness program is going on well.. in fact, too well, the best part is, i get sleep these days, which used to happen before also, but on the wrong time, but yeah these days i do get proper sleep, sometimes to much, :)... as we all know , as we all see, as we all observe, things in the beginning are mostly very smooth and calm, as the waters start turning turbulent.... people start disentangling , its truly said when the times are hard, even your own shadow steps aside.

well something like this, happens with my so called" group".. who is always together, and happy whenever the times are a little tricky, everyone starts remembering their own 'sweet grudges' with the person concerned , and that's when they have to start acting the weirdest of their kind. Ahh... i have become a little too shameless, rather carefree to pay much heed actually, in fact i have even stopped asking certain people, about ''anything at all'.. i guess they are meant to be on their own only, because, no matter how good you are to them, they make it a point to remain impertinently annoying , therefore, a sweet, warm "BUBYE" :).. keep making a face and sit in a corner and enjoyy!!!...

right now i am sitting at a friend's place hey, i have mentioned her before in my earlier posts, PREETO :).. she is one gem of a person, rarely one can find people like preeti , who actually want just a 'loving heart' nothing else, no materialistic demands :)... after a few months, preeti will be leaving from Mumbai, for her graduation project, i know i will be very lonely then, but i have prepared myself quite well, for such situations now, earlier i too had a friend.. who still is a friend but now 'just a friend'. whom i though would be a friend who'll be cherished for the rest of my life, but no i was so very wrong :). In fact, there are many more people, who were very close to my heart, rather, seemed close, but as the days passed, and changed to years, those names have also faded and will soon get blurred forever, but i do not have any regrets, except for a few, where i know i have been wrong... Anyways, life moves on , its not just me facing this, everyone does .... AAAAAAAAAAAA have a fast today and these guys in the kitchen are cooking 'chole rice' :(... sign... no issues, my time will also come :D..
i guess, these passed years and experiences have really taught me to be''deaf''

couple of these days have been very different and completely stirring( i had a meeting with my ''may be'' would be in laws, who very sweetly rejected me hmmm..lets see, what happens next, fingers crossed, a few incidents were shattering(but that didn't actually happen, may be , later on :) ), a few were unpleasantly pleasant , few were knowingly shocking, but wait a minute, why the hell are those things repeated again and again and yet again??? we all know people change, we all know they start acting like crocodiles , and what not, then aaaaaaaaa.....i think i need some goodnight sleep:)...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

a pair of shoes...

3rd september.... morning 10:30 am

Naina: ''Ramya wake up its 10:30..''

she opened her eyes at once, as if a scene from some movie was being shot, and Ramya had to open her eyes as Naina finished delivering her dialogue..
unlike her daily routine.. Ramya woke up, got ready, fought with the lift door of her society, which always gave her a tough time. Grabbed a quick breakfast from subway , caught a cab and left for lower parel, on the way she picked up , one of her friends, dhaanya.

Both of them studied in the same college, they had to go to lower parel , to meet a photographer, regarding their, styling shoot, as both of them were fashion students.

''its raining cats and dogs.. gosh.. i forgot to carry my umbrella", said Dhaanya.
''that's alright, anyways, we just have to meet him and come back, we don't have to roam or do any shopping.. in fact, we shouldn't , at least not me''.

That fear, that disappointment, that despair, had never left Ramya, since that day, when her father, left her mother and little Ramya just 4 months old, since then, her mother, Sunaina, could somehow, fulfill her only child's school dues and , with the help of her ancestral jwelry, she managed to get a MUTHOOTH finance loan, and that's how she managed to send her daughter to college.

It was pouring madly, on the town side streets of Mumbai. A very common sight in the monsoons. Both of them, alighted the cab, paid him off, and started moving toward the , old , dilapidated building, which read "MADAN MOHAN TOWERS''.

" godd.. don't tell me, this guy has his office here, in this ''kabootarkhana''.. he seems to be a well off person, at least , good enough to have a proper office" Dhaanya shrugged.

''Never judge a book by its cover '',... Ramya smiled.

The seven storied building , had a lift, which seemed to tell its age old tragic story, its door seemed to be in such a bad condition, that it would pin out of the walls, with a slight extra jerk. The sad condition of the lift, made the two damsels, take the stairs, they panted and reached the office, which was stationed on the 5th floor.

To their surprise, the door of the office,seemed to tell a much happy story than the lift, holding a name plate of '' JAMAL GUJRAL'' , they entered the stain glassed door.
The office was like a new born child , as compared to its mother, an elderly woman, who lost all its charm due to aging( probably it did'nt use OLAY age defying cream ).

"Excuse me, we would like to meet Mr. Gujral, we have an appointment".. inquired Ramya.
" I am very sorry ma'am , but Mr. Gujral is out , for a week, he left, for New York, early morning, on some urgent business calls''.

Both , Ramya and Dhaanya, gave disgusting, at the same time, disappointing looks to each other. With no other option left, both of them took a leave.

It didn't seem to stop raining at all, they decided to have a cup of tea at the nearby stall.

'' Hey, look at those bangles, ohh!! i so wanted to buy them since the farewell party, i had seen that, Monishka , wear them, hey please, lets go and have a look. P-L-E-A-S-EEEE"?? begged Dhaanya.

Ramya, always kept herself from falling a prey to the whole "shopping mania".. because she knew, how hard it was for her mother to manage even her daily expenses. But obviously, deep down inside, she always longed for so many things which she never got, one of them was, " a pair of shoes".. in her favorite color, green. A wish, a hope, which was so petty, when it came to the rest of the world, but in her own world, it was a dream come true.

Dhaanya, went from one shop to the other, then the next and so on and so forth. She shopped till she ran out of cash.

The day was breaking, with its regular speed and pace, the two girls, got mixed up in the whole bunch of shopaholics, it was late evening by now.

'' Wow, it was great only na? that silly photographer left, else we could have never gone for shopping".. Dhaanya said happily.
on the other side, sat, Ramya, with a sullen and pale face, peeping out of the window, with no comments or excitement.

"hey, why have you made that face now''? your new shoes are so pretty, aren't you happy? asked Dhaanya

"I can use those shoes''.. replied Ramya.

''Why ''? asked Dhaanya

''the money, from which i brought these shoes...''

''Ya what's with the money now''? Dhaanya asked, a little irritated now.

''My mom , got it after donating blood in the blood bank''....

it was that guilt, that lingered and their was only silence. On one side, was a girl , who never even bothered about the price, or the money, from where it came, and on one side was Ramya, a victim of circumstances, that money, was so precious, not because she was a needy person, but because, it was her mother's blood, buying just '' a pair of shoes'' can be such a big task?, such a big mistake?.. these questions, always lingered in the back of, Ramya's head... and those shoes.. never came out of the shoe box... just a pair of shoes..

Friday, September 2, 2011

health, life , divinity and 11 minutes

shameless!!!.. yess that's what i am, why just me? all my friends are :D.. we always sit to work at the "11th hour''( one of my teacher's favorite dialogue).... yeah, an all time story, so, as always, it repeated, this time also, didn't work on time , and in the end had to bare the consequences " what you sow you reap".. there has to be some spice in life nah :P?? but , it shouldn't become too spicy also. yeah so, i didn't get the share of my sleep:(..yet another suggestion overrule (mom).

My, fitness program, did start well but :(.. is slacking back now, due to my shoes :(.. remember those days, when i turned a deaf ear to my mom's wise suggestion of not taking those shoes as they weren't my size...hhaahh( deep sigh)... those are long gone days now, so the moral of the story is" listen to your mom, mom's are always right, by default" :P... let's hope i get my ''new pair" of shoes and get back to my fitness program .

Visited the Ganesha in our society, he's adorable as ever :)..prayed to him, and very slyly clicked his snap also hehehe :P...he likes being clicked you see, likes being in the limelight, "famous man ha"... well i actually clicked this picture, for a very special person in my life, i had promised her, that ill make sure she has a look at the chaturthi for sure, its for mitali didi.. she isin't in india, and misses home like anything, specially ganpati festival, which is celebrated with extraa zeal and fervor in Mumbai :)..

By the end of the day, don't know why..? had this mood swing, a kind of dejection, i have been thinking about the same thing all this while, its useless i know, plus , i don't want to create a scene and grab any body's attention, hope i do not behave in any weird manner, i know i won't :).. time to sleep, a bear nap...

lastly, i have completely neglected my book, which i had to complete in a day or two :(..have to do it soon.. loving that book... 11 minutes..

our decked up society and the happening ganesha...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

mixed emotions

wasn't keeping very well since past few days, something or the other kept popping up, which kept me busy, didn't scribble anything for the same reason..well have many things to write, but will do that in a nutshell:

1st would be my first photojournalism assignment, it was great, loved it, came to know about so many photojournalists around the globe, and even discovered new things about my own self :). we got another assignment , of story writing and photography, excited for that one too, our teacher did like the topics and themes chosen on which my partner and i would liek to work, lets see how it shapes up, fingers crossed x..x

2nd would be, the advent of Ganpati bappa,, its gansehs chaturthi time in Mumbai, this city is anyways always on a run, but during festivals it becomes even more lively, specially ganpati time. all over the place, on the roads, every where,all sizes of ganpati idols can be sighted , from the size of a mineral water bottle , till the massive 'LAL BAAGH CHA RAJA' my maths isin't that proper i cant calculate its size... but its HUGE:D

3rdly,,, the movie i saw today, BOL, must say it was a piece of sheer ART, lovely message conveyed, perfect direction, mind boggling story line, expert acting and the list goes on and on, and how can i forget the besssttt part.. ATIFFFF :*:*:*:* justt loveee him hehehe, had a bigg crush on him since the time he came from the band AADAT.

4th. m going to loose those few extra pounds :D hehehe, have decided to go gymng from tomorrow, along with 5-6 more friends, hope so, lets see, who all have the courage to continue :D...

5th.. i think, my life is really going to change, when it comes to my relationship, i guess, i was right, 'LOVE DOESN'T EXIST'... soon i might be proved right, still, i hope all the happiness and best wishes for that special person, who may not be with me after some days, i guess, some stories are meant to end incomplete only :)...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

proud to be your kid..

strange... but true, when someone's crest fallen, upset, dejected, disappointed with life, you try your level best to cheer them up, at least make them feel better, they feel good, they start moving on :), but why is it so that, you yourself start getting in their removed shoes?

i have a faint memory of a few such people, who learnt to move on , may be with my advice may be not, any ways, no one will ever give you credits , no matter how important a role , you have played in their lives.

The thing to ponder is -'' why do we start demoting"?? , obviously when you have those magical powers to set some one moving, then you yourself are strong enough, way more than those people, then why do you have to be reminded of this fact every time?

The best way is- to just walk ,without turning back, for that one needs 2 have a strong heart, actually, you can't just leave your basic nature, if you are selfish. you'll always be selfish, the intensity may change , and if you are selfless, happens the same..

here are a few things, which i have grown up with, a few teachings by my parents my creators , my mum dad >:D< m the proudest kid to have them, and i hope ill always follow these things now and forever love u muma papa :)

walk, but do turn back to the one's who need you...
be selfish, only when required....
smile, always :)
say a prayer, whenever you blink your eyes
give a hug, sometimes, without a reason
its very easy to think just about yourself, think about someone else ,gives you a lot of solace :)
be ambitious, but do remain healthy
envy someone, but also learn to appreciate his talents
never forget a favor
understand someone's silence, before his actions speak
remember your bad times, they always show you the reality...
love god, love your parents,with no measures for, they are the only one's who love you without anything in return...

this will be my last wish before i die, and the first with whenever i'll be born, to have you both only as my muma n papa.. :) where ever i go, be it on mars be it on pluto, even if i am born an alien, i want you there.... always be there with me :*

Saturday, August 27, 2011

rain, rain ur here to stay!!!

woosh.. what a day!!... the downpours were tremendous,but this picture, above, it really gave me a good feeling :).. 4 friends under 1 umbrella, rendering everyone wet, i was a little late in clicking , but never mind :) the funniest part was, that there wasn't even a tickle of water in the house, and outside in the open, the sky was melting down with madness, all of us, were out on the roads, unkempt , dirty , just of the bed, a common sight in a holiday, hogged , and laughed, just when, some people in the group, who have sworn to spoil the show by making a face in the end, when the evening is just about to get tagged" perfect"... but, we have at least learnt to ignore such spoil sports, not completely but yes partially

two of my very close buddies( preeto , rohit) and i( in my night suit only :P hehehehe ) went offf.. to one of our favorite places(CP... not the delhi 1, the mumbai, infact kharghar 1, where we stay)... it was raining without a halt, woww that was the loveliest part of all...

so ... we walked in the slush, dirt and water, sometimes landing in the puddles, making faces , laughing at each other, having pity at some stray dogs, for getting drenched ..sadly they didnt have colorful umbrellas like we did... blue, green and pink.. the funny part.. rohit had the pink one hahahahaahhaa.. he'll kill me for this.

all of us were broke, so we had to go to the nearby ATM, but to our wonder, none of them agreed to spit out some cash... mean while.. preeto went for some mysterious shopping no one knows where she went and what she shopped , she returned with a big grin:D,... a grin that every girl can understand.. hehehe so did i... but we decided to have cup of coffee/tea at the nearby tea stall.. . a cup of coffee and the rains.. perfect combo.. we ordered 2 cups of tea and 1 cup of coffee respectively.

meanwhile, the shopkeeper was preparing our order, we comforted ourselves on a little elevated portion , taking shelter under the corridor of the CP market. all three of us, watched the rain drizzle down, and kept chit chatting, while we sipped our share of tea/coffee. just then, preeto and i , found something that could be a perfect time pass for both of us, where as , it would be a 'BIG TIME" torture for rohit.. tch tch tch .. poor thing. :p we noticed a shop , just adjacent to the tea stall, the rest of the time, almost 30 minutes went in choosing, cribbing, cursing, giving up, suggesting, AND BARGAINING :D... though the last thing on the list never happened, and yes.. as always we didnt fail to give our favorite dialogue to the shopkeeper " dobara nahi ayege apki shop pe huh"(we'll never come back to your shop).... while we were discussing all the way back, when do we return to that shop next :D.....

then next on the list was, preeto's new phone, again the balderdash was on!!! FULL ON!!.... phew!! after browsing through approx, 1000 - 2000(highly exaggerated :D) handsets, we decided upon one, which is yet to be purchased..

the day had slowly dropped down with the continuous showers, it was night by now, we had to return to our nests... but we were satisfied, we spent a quality time together :)...

its true, very few and very rare people only can make 'THAT' place in your life, you may be special to many, u may be good to many, infact to all, but only 'THOSE' few people will understand you and get"THAT' place in yous life :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

speaks it all...

there's surely something about this picture... got it on the net today... no offense intended.. as i myself m a girl, but are they actually trying to call a female a 'bitch'???i am sure all the men would surely be agreeing with it...cant be said , as its still a mystery, if its a male or a female dog in the picture...

or is it the other way round??... its trying to portray the , savage and brutal way, by which women are treated in certain countries equal to a bitch... straying on the roads... just called for when required , else again left on her own, tied up and restricted, abused and killed, beaten and chained..

she and me..

phew!!... the D- day is over.. finally, we had this jury , which was kind of, important :P.. thankfully all went well., everybody came out smiling, or with mixed expressions, that's actually "more then enough" when it comes to our juries..." all's well that ends well"....past few days have been quite stress full , as well as thoughtful , had an emotional outburst after a long long time, thanks to my mom and a "few good men"( ahahahha puns intended) , gathered myself back.

when i turn behind n look at that girl standing far away , at a distance of 4 years from me, she looks so much like me, i wonder how?.. she even wears glasses, like i do..but its not me, who is she?then i see her, slowly fade away and become evanescent...

sometimes i happen to see this girl again, she doesn't utter a word, nor do i question her, and she again vanishes away, in these few days, she was with me, all the while. i was asked by a few people, why i look so lost, upset, am i bothered?? which i gave a genuine"i am fine :)'' thankfully i could overcome that girl at that moment, they also got confused, they thought they saw me, but it was just an illusion, she had been replacing me all these days.

it was 'me'.. she was "me'.. 4 years back, when things were different, solutions , came through discussing them out, 'just speak out' and your problems will be solved, was actually a magic, which did happen , being after people, literally irritating them to death , just for one hint. that could lead to what's bothering them , in order to find solutions to it, honestly discussing a genuine idea, just with the hope of more suggestions..

the gradations and graduations in time, people, thoughts, situations, atmosphere, priorities...murdered that girl, my mom says, "never break a loving heart, once it breaks, it can never be mended... and i feel , once it breaks,all the love it is filled with, spills out, rendering it empty";

wont comment about the others,but i know even their own sweet replicas are also with them sometimes but yes for sure, they let them take over quite less, but yeah, my replica , she stays with me, even now, and i know it, yeah she remains hidden, but she knows it now when she should be visible , and ill always protect her no matter what, times will change.. as change is the ultimate truth, they say, be selfish, think about yourself , let the world go to hell, don't expect, but... why such things happen??? stop..and think for a while, even you have been that way with someone, you too have shattered someone's expectation, you too have been selfish, " Reap what you sow"

what i believed, 4 years from now, i still do, but its modified a bit now, as far as talking your problems out is concerned, genuinely don't feel like doing that now, when you are seen in a bad phase, people just feel happy within( experience).

its not that bad, being 'me' , don't know why, may be it was supposed to happen this way only, theirs this,, queer silence , a weird peace, a peculiar pause, this reverie i stay in , these days, is kind of giving me a genuine solace, being lonely was something i always feared, but now i kind of love it, but yeah i am not a loner also, i like people around, but i know even in that crowd, i am alone, actually, every one is, aah... past insomniac week has really rendered me baffled , i am sure, my narration of the whole " she and me" thing , would sound bizarre, but i have this thing, may appear negative , but that's how i am, you need to read between the lines, its never elaborate, when it comes to me....(at least now it is so).

Friday, August 19, 2011

aweful or annaful???

The beginning of the day was quite cut-and dried.. though Friday is supposed to be a nice relaxed day as its the weekend, (sigh)...but our class time-table goes absolutely opposite, a line of theory subjects all bundled up for the last day in the working week..but to our happiness.. we just had to tolerate one of them, the rest of the day went decaying time.

someone was surfing through the tv channels in the canteen, and the news channel was put up,which showed Anna Hazare's revolutionized India. The change in the channel lead to the change in the atmosphere of the canteen as well, on a smaller scale only though, the cards of my deck started getting shuffled up, comments and statements poured in from corners and cracks, criticism and appreciation were both felt.

The best part of the day was, when the members of my gang ,actually split apart in two parts, FOR or AGAINST anna.. , ANNA has become the biggest talk of town these days, and he actually deserves to be, yeah there are a handful of people who are against this whole notion and are actually cribbing about the whole scenario. Came across numerous views, some way different some holding some nuance ,ill be addressing the group of people against the notion as the opposition, with no offenses intended, just because i myself support the notion , therefore i fall in the defendant party, the members of the opposition group stated that:
these statements and questions actually hit my grey cells, and got my mind working, are people so naive and babyish that they would just start walking blind and deaf, without a clue or hint about the reason for which they are actually following someone?? soo not true

about the whole old age thingy, its easy but, foolish to talk about something we are not at all aware of, even i didnt have much knowledge about anna since of last, but its actually not sensible to pass statements which can really put you in a tight spot, is ti so simple to make a change?? or being about a wave of awareness??NO!! its not, and it surely does require a lot of time and patience to achieve "that" goal, therefore, anna is here today , an old man but with futuristic approach, an old man who could move the youth.

Was watching a small documentary sort of a thing shown on the news channel, about anna's, life.."ANNA KI KAHANI ANNA KI ZUBANI".... it was so over whelming to know such facts about this man, who started to curb corruption from a very basic and small level, from the small village , where he resided , he brainwashed the people to quit smoking and drinking, and almost 21 years back in this small village , a holika was burnt up with cigarettes and alcohol, and since that day, not a single shop there sells the above mentioned articles.When it comes to , faking about the whole 'anshan' , as it is being though that, he surely must be filling up his tummy tight, whose actually going and checking , i agree, but even if he is eating, what's the harm??? he surely does require those calories after so much hard work :D

Its a fact, that , even after the lokpal bill is passed, the corruption and its roots wont be churned, but yes, its a GOOD START, at least someone hd to take that initiative , and its 'him', m sure he doesn't want a role in one of those ekta kapoor serials nor does he want to appear "sexy and glam" to grab a place in the lakme fashion week, its just about the power of UNITY, and the power of a 'COMMON MAN'.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

today was yet another unique day...though it may seem mundane by the kind of activities and the routine we follow, but therz always this"unique" factor about every passing day infact every passing moment, we visited the LAKME FAHSION WEEK 2day . venue: grand hyatt ,mumbai.. this ws our 2nd tym that v went for this fascinating show, as the name only suggests, FASHION... its a summation of: glamour,panache,glitter,extravagance and many more golden words.. it is also actually.. but then a;; that glitters is not, being an aspiring designer, obviously it meant a lot..der ms hav bin approx 2 to 300 students??..who wud hv dreamt dat very same dream at that flickering moment..jus like the flashes from da numerous cameras...such thots flash thru our skulls and store a thot in the form of imaginations and dreams..but out of those 300 people..coveting for that many actually reach there???mayb 5? is it jus the hard work and passion that lacks in the rest 295 of them??or is it that extra"goodluck charm" factor wid the rest 5 of them??

we even got to have an interface with the godfathers of da fashion world.. like krishna mehta, brianboy, ashish patil .. etc.. but the best part of the little conference v had with those people was.." the more things change , the more they remain same"....

P.S.- "follow ur heart and make ur own trends,instead of following smthng dt sone1 has already done"...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

thumbs up!!

why m i doing dis??? i know its not right.... then why?????... 4 no rhyme n reason???.. its impossible to do things widout a reason.. i really need to check myself on dis.. dis is so not me... no
NEVA.... i wasnt dis way... hw can i b 'dis' now??...

time to change.. :)... n it begins...NOW!!

2day ... it ws nthng special but ya.. ws quite historical.. as i go to discuss a lot with one of my friends.. about mahabharata , ramayana, lord krishna da biggest politician, chanakya.. ohh so nice.. our history has jus been soo glorious.. wish to know more and more and more.. da fact n new pieces of knowledge r soo fascinating... :)..
anothr new thing i came 2 knw 2day ws.. dt in a remixed song.. d wordings also change.. well i ws in dis impression always ws jus playng wid music.. :P.... evry piece of knowledge is unique in its own way....


thot 4 da day...

Facts speak louder than eloquence

writer ..agn unkown

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

my 1st day in college!!!

entered the building, weirdly made
in beige , brown n some other shade

with a pair of cliche' floaters
i stepped into the premises ,through the sliding gate

the heavens were showering down there blessings, well , thats how , that day it seemed
when the first maharashtrian raindrop onto my head was laid.

then came my "HOME AWAY FROM HOME",
the green hospital personified as Hostel

where you were taught to be disciplined ,if not,
then forcibly made.clasping the cold iron
i dragged myself to room number 208.

now i cant b writing down each and every detail
I have to manipulate

everything seemed too organised, atleast for the likes of me,
untill came in my messy.. room mate :p.

tall physique ,twinkling eyes, tweety smile, wearing a weird nightsuit,
she sat on my contrary side.

we kept giving blank looks to each other,
nothing at all on either side was said.

days passed, and the number of people ,wearing the "friends"
veils kept adding to my cupboard.

as we all in the beginning thot..
for each other v were made.

its my last year in this weird building now
had different experiences and by now, many daredevilish
games iv played

life taught a lot.. behind these beige walls
hopefully its teachings can fetch me more guts and balls..

thot for da day... found dis thot by sm sm1 anonymous .,....

Then I said to myself, "What happens to the fool will happen to me also; why then have I been so very wise?" And I said to myself that this also is vanity. For there is no enduring remembrance of the wise or of fools, seeing that in the days to come all will have been long forgotten. How can the wise die just like fools?

des few lines have agn geared up my grey true...

if d wise n da fool will b 4gotten in da same fashion... then why do v have so mny differences and inequality ???

bangalore trip... da commencement

the 3rd yr ws coming to an end, what did i jus say :O.."THE THIRD YR" gosh vl over wid college soon, pretty soon, as per our curriculum v hv to have this" summer internship' thingy, dis vacation, which obviously meant our holidays , so called holidays wer about to screw up "big time".

people started rushing thru der contacts. fonecalls, mails, etc etc followed. everyone wanted a good internship for heavens sake..
after all mad race.. we all (my bunch of ppl... aka my group) also managed to get themselves fixed up for internship..phew!!!

one of my good frnds.(rishika) askd me if i ws interested in interning at d ABC corp..(dn wna mention da firm wt if i get sued :O... kidding.. abd corp sounds beter)....wid her?? to which i happily agreed.
BANGALURU: our destination, which wud presumably be our home for the coming 8 weeks.. 56 DAYS!!!

"TRAGEDY FOLLOWS THE QUEENS" cound b so apt and proper for us (but thn yeah m sued ot it n i always prefer following the worst case scenario :p)..

our end semester exams ended on the 21st of may 2011... dat day plus da coming one wnet in packing n rushing for all the hitngs that wud b necessarily required ( as if v wer goin to sm desert:|)...
i( :O oh... 4got to introduce masself... m radhika :p.....) stuffed my 2 big bags, obviously more than der capacity, but yeah still i kept in my mind that i cudnt exceed 20kgs.. as the airlines requirement,,,( though deep down inside my heart i knew , i had crossed dat limit longgggg back :P hehehehe....) but to console maself i pulled out a t-shirt or 2...which wud obviously b like taking a drop out of da sea :p but i did so to keep off da guilt u c :D..

the morning ws a hurried 1, wid the taxi (sardarji)YELLING on top of his lungs and giving dirty ,disappointing looks as we wer alrdy QUITE LATE :D..., no one to b blamed, happens.. smtyms .. all the share of gudbyes , keep in touches , take cares were done and so we drove offf to the airport..

things wer pretty smooth so far,.. well well well.. da show has jus begun :D..

on the santacruz airport. i curiously looked for d sms in my fone, holding our PNR numbers...GOTCHA!!... i proudly moved ahead toward the counter for a quick printout, which wudnt have taken more than 5minz . BUT, to my surprise, after reading the ticket printouts.. the names on the parchment read da same surnames for both rishika and myself ..which ws da agents fault mostly...( aah shudnt b much of a prob. i spoke inside my head).. but on a safer side.. i preferred aksing dt lady behind da glass, if der wer any issues wid dis??? n to her amazement , i ws stupid enuf ti ask her if it ws a prob or not as it"SURELY WAS":O.. i returned to the waiting zone....where rishika n her frnd nitin wer waiting already, giving me anxious yet disgusting looks for looking worried yet not disclosing da" GOOD NEWS"..

alas... finally i broke da ice...we all exchanged straight faces..( :| =me :|= rishika :|= nitin) in a few seconds v cud very well see.. wt da forthcominf future could b....
with a lot of hustle bustle, madness.. fonecalls n out of da world ideas...v went to receive our boarding pass.. instead of doing anything doltish or over smart .., we told da ground staff, wht the actual thing was and to our surprise, they were pretty ok wid it and ahh,,,,, like fools v wer tensing d hell out of our grey matters :|... and yaa.. da baggage :p... ma lil dirty secret ws out... it ws obviously overweight ...had to b..n i had to bare da consequences , had to carry 1 whole big fat bag wid me as hand baggage :(((:((:((.. was ok... better than not boarding da flight at all phew!!!....
by da grace of god.. v boarded da flight.. n offf v went to da beautiful city of BENGALURUU....

to b continued in bangalore....

wt d....

i wonder.. if it happens wid evry1 or jus wid me??
der r a few ppl in evry1z life 4 sure.. who get oto der nerves evry now n then but thn still v crave for those ppl v feel sad 4 them cnt c them in pain.. yet hate them at da same tym... bizzare ...

y so??
is it jealousy?
is it hatered?
is it competition?
is it love? is it madness?
is it hope? is it comparison?
is it some past life connection?
is it whatt???

evry night i ask da same question 2d twin me.. but i fail to get a reply..
why?? why cnt v jus b bothered about wt v have? y always sneaking peaking in d other prsnz bag?

der r soo mny things soo gud about each n evry1 of us.. yet v fail to admit or accept it... agn i don say b self obsessed.. but ya y is dat fear always der... dt fear to accept wt da reality is??..

omg m jus writing ne nonsense .... aah...i better get lost ...a lot more contemplation required..

Monday, August 15, 2011

banana woman..!! yo

nw dis ws d only thing remaining :D....
2day.. i ws mistaken to b a banana vendor..gosh.....=))=))... i really love maself smtyms... 4 da madness i fall into evry now n then :d adds spice 2 life...
life wud rilly b damn monotonous ...atlst i need those mad incidents in ma life :P...

n its actually true.. dno who started sayng it but ya now evry1 says it..."go wid d flow n things wil fall in place on der own".. so true...

things seem demolished completely smtyms.. but thn der r a few last bricks remaining in d ruins..which r actually more thn enuf to build up ur bridge agn....

i feel gr8.. to b a supa fruit woman 2day :P.... pleasuredDDDd...

:| straight face

life's funny...
smtyms it puts u on cloud 9.. n d next moment ur crestflen
u see a hope.. dim as an amber.. which seems glowing brighter n brighter but all of a sudden it extinguishes.. its really not possible 2 predict wt life wants..
ma lifez turned in 2 a big crossroad all of a sudden.. well it always was but... its bcoming too muchnow .
i mean ..y d hell do v have 2 take certain important actually da most important decisions at such difficult moments whn ur head refuses to work.. gosh...m sure it happens wid every1...
so far ma life is aimless.. lazy n jus live-each-day -as-it-comes types... dono if derl b ne healthy progress in da near future or not .. though it actually needs dt..

2day .. v went for our last 15th august celebration at college.. ws a nostalgic moment.. :) but ws really disappointed by da cultural function ..goddd:O.. ppl wer dancing on songs of sm tapori folk genre..:s dno wt ws wrong wid them.. d standards r deteriorating ....(cold sigh)

dnno.. bt its nt clicking.. m jus writing ne humbug.. i need to contemplate more.. leme do dt 1st.. :d

Sunday, August 14, 2011

jaii hooo!!!!

paint me saffron
paint me white
paint me green
its my independent night..... a veryy happy independence dayy tooo alll.. :)

my india.. my 1st love
my mother my pride
its bin 64 yrs now .. u r independent of d foreigners but yeah ur still a slave to ur own offsprings.. hope dis independence day brings a new wave of thot and realization :).. vandee mataramm!!!

right or wrong??

people say.. u think a lot
is it bad 2 think?? 2 question urself and look 4 answers within?? well i dont think so :P...
i dono y but some same silly mundane questions keep rebounding in my head.. which are actually so silly like really "silly".. which shudnt even b thot about, which jus giv u headaches nuthng els.. but i guess ma head likes 2 ache 4 sm reasons..its good to look around.. observe people, know them, hv views about them, evn misjudge them (most of d tym), but der r a few things which r common in most of d population :
da "I M RIGHT " thingy..which wont b eva clearly said but ya in evey action every statement of theirs wil b felt, jus want to prove da same thing... n if they fail to do so...aah da best way.."i giv a damn"...
i mean...its impossible to b right all da tymmm..its jus god who cant make mistakes.. rest evry bloody thing makes mistakes, y so much ego? .they jus make a point to act da same way n remain da same no matter wt.. no matter how gud u r to them or how gud u hv bin to them.. wt matters 2 them is jus der own ego n attention seeking attitude....

n der i am.. criticising da world as if m d best example of perfection :D... but yeah evry1 knows how good or bad they are.. n so do i B-)....
i dno.. hmm evry1 needs attention.they really do , evn i do. but then getn self obsessed ..puts me off.. :(.. mayb m wrong but then evry1 has rights 2 out fwd der own notions.. m doin d same :)

its actually not easy 2 b a good child of god.. :) v really need to work hard.. very hard..

Saturday, August 13, 2011

even u hv a reason to cry??

da rains bring out all our hidden emotions..evn d 1z whoz exposure u fear , happy or sad u may b but it duz ur eye drop a tear...

i wonder.... r u cryng god?? if yes.. then y??
v r homo sapiens .. who need a reason to weep at evrythng v have or d things which v neva got though v wanted them so deep

whn v laf too much , v cry
whn v eat mirchi(spicy), v cry
whn v r sad (ofcorz), v cry
whn v watch an artificial daily soap, v cry
whn v r bruised, v cry
whn some1 becomz a star, v cry
whn some1 comes 4m a star, v cry
whn a woman becomz a mother , she cries
whn she cant, she still cries
whn v get to study, v cry
whn v dont, v still cry
whn v r needy, v cry
whn v r rich , v still cry

its beyond my imagination... wid ma weak maths its even more difficult to count the number of tears shed on this earth so far .. mayb right now also.. some1 is increasing the calculations for this hour....

r des myriad drops.. mere copious tears dropping from god almightys eyes???..seeing what his beautiful earth his priced possession his passionate creation has turned into??

jus a bucket full of dissatisfied tears.....

rakshabandhann :)..

hmm rakhi.. a fest dt represents a vry innocent, pure n naughty bond :P hehehehehe... 4 da 1st tym.. in ma life i din cry on dis fest well its useless pennign down da reason y i cried otherwse evry yr.. :) coz dt wud actually b gaining sympathy n "attention" most of all.. i know wt makes me sad evry yr on dis day but still i gues sive learnt to live wid it now n iv accepted wt i have n wt ill loose very soon.. it will b tough but our pains r very very small whn it comes to some1z heart rendering sufferings... wel i knw whoeva is reading dis( if at all nebdy is)... wudnt b hvnt ne hint bout wt m blabbering.... hehehe so lets make dis day a happy 1..
well... in des past few days.. ma life has tried to take a few drastic turns... mark those words.. "tired" :P hehehe its still on a trial basis n trust me its horrible whn dt happens... ur hanging in d middle of 2 very crucial stages of ur life... and i know dat mayb in a few days ma life changes 'BIG CHANGE" n like a typical girly i shud b sittin cryng n worryng bout it which is so liek me otehrwise.. coz i do get worried n think bout things a lot.. but its nt hapng so.. mayb m jus ignoring it or smthng..:P or mayb its 1z basic nature dt u cnt loose .. if u r a nut u will b a nut :P hehehhe u cnt gi vup ur madness ... 2day as it ws rakhi v celebrated it wid loadsa mastiiiii!!!... i tie rakhi to 1 of ma frnds.. ate tons of chocz na gained heaps of cals :D... then came another twishtttt.... a frnd of a frnd (wow wt a terminology) came over 2 our town... poor thing had neva met her b4.. aha... v got plan... d mischievous minds at work... now i became ma frnd(preeti) n ma frnd became me.. n whn he came da shwo begannnnn!!!!!......

frnd- hi!!! whoz preeti
me: hey its me :D
preeti: =)))))
da frnd ws a chatterboxxxxxxx omg... he went on n on n on n on :O:O:O:O.....
i remaind preeti 4 a long tym... thn da thing ws gting a lil boring u c.. so v came out of our roles.. :D chalo kuch to timepas hua... no offenses intended :p..
our day started wid movieeee.. aarakshan.. well i dn hv da energy 2 act lik a film critique nw...thn came pooja thn rakhi tyng tamasha.. actually tamahsa.. as 1 of ma dearest frnd cm broo brot his high tech SLR CAM wid an even high tech lense wid an even high tech zzooming power.. which actually made us stand in da drawing room while he cliked our pics from da bedroom... :|:|:|... mithai + choc session.. thn came d lunch.. then came another session of argument ...wereva 4 crazy gals wid entirely different point of views n 2 guys wid a deadly common sense try 2 plan things.. da consequences r GRAVE... da issue ws.. wt to do next??.. suggestions flowed in from all da corners 4m going 2.. colaba, bandra, pune.. lonavla..vashi n cp..( da local market).. guess wt?? wer we went in da end.. aftr a big cat dog fight in d middle of da street itself..............................................

cp..:) koi fayeda nahi discussion ka.... ohh yeah nw da frnds episode wil happenn k...kindly connect d loops :P... after a neva ending discussion of 5minz :D wid da eva talkign frnd.. v decided to save our lives by making a plan 2 go to CCD... at belapur near by...
we all shared a hearty laf n loadsa gossip n bitching as well ofcorzzz 4 gals n no bithcing :D impossible.... n da day ended wid a dinner at 1 of d most nostalgic food joints...n vry1 widout ne further arguements peacefully ordered der same old fav dishes which v always used 2 eat whneva v useed 2 go to dt restaurant :).. wow... ws fun.. n d cherry on da cake ws.. da walk in da heavy rainsss full on filmy situation .. umbrellaz flyngggg wind blwoingg mad downpours... n on d streets us 6.. singing... hmmmmmmm ik ladki bheegi bhagi si..sotii raato mey jaagi si...mili ik ajnabi sey koi aagey na peechey tum hi kaho ye koi baat haiiiiiii..hmmmmmm :P.....
lifes actually too short.. :) to b wasted in criticising wt v dn hv... v really shud cherish wteva shit vev got :P..all puns intended ahahhahahaaaa... omg i got acall from da next roommm theyv cooked sm earthworm kinda creatures... eeeeeeeeeeeew.... maggi maggi maggi :*

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

sick n sweet..

aacccchhuuu!!!... bless me... d 2nd day in mumbai n d same old cold cough..jus cough n all actually:D back after a tyrng train journey. wer jus 2 of us got confirmd tickets n d 3rd 1 ws stil on waiting :p.. v actually boarded d train wdiout ne clue of our seta number not evn coach number,.. gosh .. seemed as if vl b left dis tym 4 sure...had no acess to net from past mny days.. well feels vry comfi 2dy as d issues wi dma internet bill hv bin settled... d day ws fun.. its vry well said" wer ders a will ders a way " :d hehehe smthgn liek dt actually happened wid us 2dy ... had a nice ragging session wid ew new juniors.. wer cute... sm mad.. sm wid d same old unwanted attitude ( ignore)..:D... hmmm..watchd a whole lot of animated clips..of old panchtantra stories... wid deplorable animation aaahhahhaha... funny yet nice... n drippy.. :)...

Friday, July 29, 2011

time to leave...

life is so funny.. it puts fwd such weird queries which seem to have no answers at all but thn it answers thm on its own i got ma answer 4 ma last is tough to make choices but thn it isint impossible toon god duz giv us hints..sorry god 4 gtng mad at u u knw hw it is :P....i guess i need to think more b4 writing dis... i beter tackle ma mumz spoilt mood 1st :-s ehehehehe... mumz r dno made wid which clay cement gravel gosh they appear soo tough birla white cement... but yeah deep down ders jelly belly...:* nw ma mumsy seems so upset as its tym to leave.. a mother daughter relation is so delicate n fragile it cnt b expressed it cn jus b felt... iv bin ma mumz confidant' n so has she.. :* mom.. i know ur upset i knw ur sad... uv no clue hw i m feelign i knw u need me a lot at dis point of tym whn da seas r so turbulent but trust me m ur sailor ill b back >:D< love u heaps

actually meri dilemma:(

how cn one hv similar feelings for 2 different people?????? dis is not fair ...... god its nt ......y cnt u jus giv us wts meant 4 us?? y so mny other optionsss WHY?? y do v hv to make choices

a bful eve..

well 2day met ma most dearesttttttttttttt chaddi buddy , pal freny..n anoter vry old buddyyy arushi... vev known each other for more thn almost 17 yrs now well m bad wid maths plz ignore da ws a funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn filled session at her den .. v bitched n bitched n lafed like psychopaths gosh.. good old memories.....
well its really true... ur skool buddies ur childhood pals cn neva b replaced or substituted :).. it ws a nice "mad-fotoshoot-session" .. followed by a scary drive aah though wsnt scary , ma frnd ws driving n da 2 of us wer like :|:|:|:| look strght plzz dn gt distracted..phew!!! finally v reached d changed venue wer v had 2 meet another vry dear frnd of mien akhil who ws actually soo damn conscious by now aftr knowing dt 2 more frnds r accompanyng me :D hehehe i tarted convincing him:
1 hey plz cmonnn u wont fel awkward
2 jus a frnd is der
3 cmon jus 2 of thm r der :D
4 they r from ur skool only ur juniors wts d issue :P:P:P
tings started seeming fishy 2 him as d number of ppl ws increasing :D bt neways he decided to cm...then v alll went mad agn wid da dirty looks by da waiters as v had almost taken ova der restaurant since eve :P... omg wt fun loved it completelyyyyy :( tym 2 leave 4 college day aftrr :((((((( y duz life put us thru departures ?? :(

Thursday, July 28, 2011

co inci

oh crap!!! i remembered jus nowwwww its julyy agn :O.... perfect timing... well as they say its all destined n written :D hehehehe...


well.. i created dis account like 2 yrs back.. but cudn start wid nethng fruitful as such... 2day a gud frnd of mine mentioned dis blogging thing 2 me so evn i thot of starting or rather tryng 2 start agn :P.. hehehehe lets c wer it heads 2...nt in a mood rght nw 2 write nethng dno y i fel pretty preoccupied rght nw as if sm very vital portion of my brains is stuck up... a kinda lacuna or mayb m in a reverie ..adsent minded ,frustrated , bewildered yet aware of evry bit dts happeneing around.. a strange vry strange feeling..ders dis new series on which is still uder d coming soon tag.. i like d way they r promoting it though... d way dis guy da protagonist mayb... writes 2 d audience about his evryday happeenign n experiences of life... kunal chaopra wteva date 2011... nice...