Sunday, August 28, 2011

proud to be your kid..

strange... but true, when someone's crest fallen, upset, dejected, disappointed with life, you try your level best to cheer them up, at least make them feel better, they feel good, they start moving on :), but why is it so that, you yourself start getting in their removed shoes?

i have a faint memory of a few such people, who learnt to move on , may be with my advice may be not, any ways, no one will ever give you credits , no matter how important a role , you have played in their lives.

The thing to ponder is -'' why do we start demoting"?? , obviously when you have those magical powers to set some one moving, then you yourself are strong enough, way more than those people, then why do you have to be reminded of this fact every time?

The best way is- to just walk ,without turning back, for that one needs 2 have a strong heart, actually, you can't just leave your basic nature, if you are selfish. you'll always be selfish, the intensity may change , and if you are selfless, happens the same..

here are a few things, which i have grown up with, a few teachings by my parents my creators , my mum dad >:D< m the proudest kid to have them, and i hope ill always follow these things now and forever love u muma papa :)

walk, but do turn back to the one's who need you...
be selfish, only when required....
smile, always :)
say a prayer, whenever you blink your eyes
give a hug, sometimes, without a reason
its very easy to think just about yourself, think about someone else ,gives you a lot of solace :)
be ambitious, but do remain healthy
envy someone, but also learn to appreciate his talents
never forget a favor
understand someone's silence, before his actions speak
remember your bad times, they always show you the reality...
love god, love your parents,with no measures for, they are the only one's who love you without anything in return...

this will be my last wish before i die, and the first with whenever i'll be born, to have you both only as my muma n papa.. :) where ever i go, be it on mars be it on pluto, even if i am born an alien, i want you there.... always be there with me :*

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