Friday, September 2, 2011

health, life , divinity and 11 minutes

shameless!!!.. yess that's what i am, why just me? all my friends are :D.. we always sit to work at the "11th hour''( one of my teacher's favorite dialogue).... yeah, an all time story, so, as always, it repeated, this time also, didn't work on time , and in the end had to bare the consequences " what you sow you reap".. there has to be some spice in life nah :P?? but , it shouldn't become too spicy also. yeah so, i didn't get the share of my sleep:(..yet another suggestion overrule (mom).

My, fitness program, did start well but :(.. is slacking back now, due to my shoes :(.. remember those days, when i turned a deaf ear to my mom's wise suggestion of not taking those shoes as they weren't my size...hhaahh( deep sigh)... those are long gone days now, so the moral of the story is" listen to your mom, mom's are always right, by default" :P... let's hope i get my ''new pair" of shoes and get back to my fitness program .

Visited the Ganesha in our society, he's adorable as ever :)..prayed to him, and very slyly clicked his snap also hehehe :P...he likes being clicked you see, likes being in the limelight, "famous man ha"... well i actually clicked this picture, for a very special person in my life, i had promised her, that ill make sure she has a look at the chaturthi for sure, its for mitali didi.. she isin't in india, and misses home like anything, specially ganpati festival, which is celebrated with extraa zeal and fervor in Mumbai :)..

By the end of the day, don't know why..? had this mood swing, a kind of dejection, i have been thinking about the same thing all this while, its useless i know, plus , i don't want to create a scene and grab any body's attention, hope i do not behave in any weird manner, i know i won't :).. time to sleep, a bear nap...

lastly, i have completely neglected my book, which i had to complete in a day or two :(..have to do it soon.. loving that book... 11 minutes..

our decked up society and the happening ganesha...

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