Friday, September 9, 2011

something we all know

ahem.... the fitness program is going on well.. in fact, too well, the best part is, i get sleep these days, which used to happen before also, but on the wrong time, but yeah these days i do get proper sleep, sometimes to much, :)... as we all know , as we all see, as we all observe, things in the beginning are mostly very smooth and calm, as the waters start turning turbulent.... people start disentangling , its truly said when the times are hard, even your own shadow steps aside.

well something like this, happens with my so called" group".. who is always together, and happy whenever the times are a little tricky, everyone starts remembering their own 'sweet grudges' with the person concerned , and that's when they have to start acting the weirdest of their kind. Ahh... i have become a little too shameless, rather carefree to pay much heed actually, in fact i have even stopped asking certain people, about ''anything at all'.. i guess they are meant to be on their own only, because, no matter how good you are to them, they make it a point to remain impertinently annoying , therefore, a sweet, warm "BUBYE" :).. keep making a face and sit in a corner and enjoyy!!!...

right now i am sitting at a friend's place hey, i have mentioned her before in my earlier posts, PREETO :).. she is one gem of a person, rarely one can find people like preeti , who actually want just a 'loving heart' nothing else, no materialistic demands :)... after a few months, preeti will be leaving from Mumbai, for her graduation project, i know i will be very lonely then, but i have prepared myself quite well, for such situations now, earlier i too had a friend.. who still is a friend but now 'just a friend'. whom i though would be a friend who'll be cherished for the rest of my life, but no i was so very wrong :). In fact, there are many more people, who were very close to my heart, rather, seemed close, but as the days passed, and changed to years, those names have also faded and will soon get blurred forever, but i do not have any regrets, except for a few, where i know i have been wrong... Anyways, life moves on , its not just me facing this, everyone does .... AAAAAAAAAAAA have a fast today and these guys in the kitchen are cooking 'chole rice' :(... sign... no issues, my time will also come :D..
i guess, these passed years and experiences have really taught me to be''deaf''

couple of these days have been very different and completely stirring( i had a meeting with my ''may be'' would be in laws, who very sweetly rejected me hmmm..lets see, what happens next, fingers crossed, a few incidents were shattering(but that didn't actually happen, may be , later on :) ), a few were unpleasantly pleasant , few were knowingly shocking, but wait a minute, why the hell are those things repeated again and again and yet again??? we all know people change, we all know they start acting like crocodiles , and what not, then aaaaaaaaa.....i think i need some goodnight sleep:)...

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