Thursday, December 6, 2012

sad but true... :)

Really, when there is a crack in the glass.. it may remain in a single piece but the crack always remains.. it can never be  mended.. similarly, a heart once broken can not be mended even if its bandaged like several times.. the wound still remains..a relation once tampered with.. always can be made better, quite good in fact, but it can never be the same...what can be done in such a situation? i guess cribbing and feeling bad inside at every moment.. doesn't help much, in fact doesn't help at all... we do feel bad at like many occasions .... things hurt us, we remember good times...still we have to accept facts..

every now and then i am ending up fighting with that friend of mine whom i considered like one of the closest and bestest... we fight ...give explanations.. and according to my friend.. my place is still the same(which i fail to believe anymore).. but i guess its time i let it go ....i think i am giving up today.... some relations are short lived only it matter how much my friend tries to convince me about my importance.. it seems impossible to believe it.. so in such a situation i think the best thing that can be done is ... to just let it go.... i had never imagined such a day would spring up.. but it did...and its good actually.. because life is all about such situations... at every small step .. we surely would be facing such things in life.

sometimes i just don't understand.. if i was so incompetent then .. why was i there at all??... those few words of my friend.. changed me completely..."u were not there when i needed you".. they still haunt me like anything...somewhere or the other i only am responsible i guess for whetever happened.. but my not being there when my friend needed a best buddy.. was also justified...but.. sadly justifications are always taken as excuses only...
would always wish the bestesttttttt for my friend.. and its entirely their choice with whom they want to be.. :) 

time really changes us...we ourselves don't realize how much we have changed.. how far ahead we have moved.. un till one day when someone we meet on the way..and they tell us to look at out watch and ask" what's the time?" its then that we realize that its too late. to go back.......

my friend will always remain in my heart in my good wishes and in all the prayers i shall pray...but i guess.. my heart got this jerk and with the jerk its doors have closed.. and i have somehow locked myself up... refusing to open up to anyone.. just anyone.. 

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