Sunday, December 2, 2012

adieu to my alma mater...

December 1st 2012.. the D day the convocation day of bath 2008-12, B.des., Bf.Tech.,MFM.,M.des...... 4 years back( as i was from the bachelors programm no offense ot the masters batch)... students from far and wide, came to one of the most prestigious fashion colleges in india and on globe.. with hopes soaring high, endless dreams, full of life, full of enthusiasm.... strange faces slowly became the buddies of life..within no time, we learned the lessons of our lives.. came across beautiful people who taught us as our teachers , some lessons which will never ever be forgotten and will always move with us as we will take each step in life ahead. 4 years back as young and naive people .. little did we know that life would be so soo different the day we will be passing out after finishing our studies.. 4 years seemed a lifetime .. we thought it was like never ending, whenever the assignments or the work pressure used to be like reaching the brim. But yesterday , it all ended.
Yes, we shall never go back to that place now to attend any lectures, or hang around aimlessly in the cafetaria, heartlessly sit in the library for hours, watch cricket match in the cafetaria with the security guards, loaf around on the canteen valas bicycle(lol).. make lame excuses fo rbeing late to class... fight with the bestest of our buddies without even knowing the reasons, running to farthest parts of the world for sourcing , madly running around for printouts just a few hours before the jury, last mintue pinning and stapelling of garments which need to go on the ramp in like 5 secs, dancing like drunkards and doing funny shaadi kinda dances on nights like : spectrum and dandiya....

There have been biter sweet memoreis of college, but time just flew... and here we are... out in this big bad world now.... this place taught us the biggest and smallest of the lessons of life, which will definitely be very important in every decisons and endeavour in life that we shall take... this last day was a day of reunions.. and also some misunderstandings.. which may never be sorted out.. but then as it is said.. time is the best healer..

in the end would love to thank my college.. for whetever it gave me... the pride of being called a "Graduate" specially.. met lovely people here  perfect teachers.. awaseome juniors... brilliant seniors and some of the bestest buddies for lifetime...

time to say goodbye.. but when we are together by heart.. there are no goodbyes... 

Met my classmates, batchmates, teachers, even the guards and other helpers... and the best part was that i re united with some of those people with whom i was in a very strong bond at a point of time.. and due to some misunderstandings those bonds had faltered but not broken, that's what i realized when i hugged those people yesterday, never wanted to end this beautiful phase of my college life on any sort of "grudge notes".... but ya there was a little disappointment as well.. on the part of some people who had been like very close to me.. and just due to some misunderstandings.. they were so ready to give up this beautiful thing called" friendship"...without even trying to clear things .. guess they wanted such an occasion .. where they could just slip out silently.. i guess that person was the only one whom i didn't hug, as i was openly ignored when i took an initiative ...well may be they never wanted only to bbe in that sweet memory list of mine...but no love lost.. its all good and one  thing i have learned now so far is that instead of cribbing about the past.. we should just flow with the future and present current... life is beautiful and i guess a little too short to hold grudges.. hope i too am able to forgive and also forget that friend of mine... for whatever happened.. and rememeber only the good times spent with them.. :)


  1. sorry i haven't mentioned the name of my college anywhere.. lol silly me.... NIFT Mumbai <3

  2. these memories are to be cherished for a lifetime!!!!!! congrats on ur achievement......people come and go in and out of our lives......we should be thankful to God 4 all the good people in our lives and more thankful that the bad/untrustworthy people left us.....:)

  3. @ sid... yup.. we actually should b jus tthankful for what v have.. i guess what v dont should b just left instead of thanking god that it isisnt there.. u never know what u thought was bad for u.. ws actuallu not that bad also :)
