Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Alright alright ... the whole 12/12/12/ thingy is almost over now without any sort of calamities or any unexpected activities.. as people thought it would end with.. since this date 21st dec has been predicted by the mayan calender .. as the world's end day.. everyone has been just linking up each and every small weird or peculiar thing with the world's end.. gosh i really don't think anything as such is ever going to happen...

My nani, who's birthday happens to be today was so uptight and apprehensive about this whole trio of the number 12 falling on the same date.. but to her surprise  her birthday was celebrated in the bestest way ever..and so she is happy happy.. today happened to be the birthday of "krishh and saanvi " also .. one of my senior designer's twin kids.. who turned 2 today.. adorably cute ...

So the day ended on a normal note... cake.. celebrations etc .. much better then yesterday i must say.... its really beyond understanding that why people don't let you be at peace, when they see you peaceful? 
in my former posts i did mention about a friend who likes someone....and he is just not ready to accept this fact that, that person doesn't want to have a relation or fall in any sort of affair, because she had a break up and after a break up as i have mostly seen,, people either want to be in a relation ASAP or they just do not want to be in a relation at all .. and she believes the latter one i suppose, and i guess its pretty justified, when one of your relations do not work out , you obviously will  hesitate to fall in a second one and go through all of it all over again and end up getting hurt again.. its scary.. but my friend's behavior is certainly not proper, the whole " i-will-die-without-her" thingy.. i just don't feel its ok, if someone doesn't see you the way you see them, doesn't mean you'll just die..huh...

life is so unpredictable , simply anything happens at any damn moment, 2 days back while walking my way back home, on this highly crowded street of lower parel, just as i was trying to avoid myself from getting suffocated due to the pungent odor of the garbage heap, which remains stationed right in the middle of the road on one of the corners.. to my horror i saw a bike who brushed past a man, walking normally on the road and this fellow slipped and fell, and his cellphone flew up in the air and fell right into the big garbage heap..i was in a shock for a few seconds, that man just could have died.. 

so thats how things are these days, our brand is finally launching, the response also seems to be pretty decent, hope things go from good to better and from better to best!!! yayy :D hehehe i am pretty excited as this is the first time i am designing professionally for a brand.. fingers crossed, i wont be naming it so soon, hehehe will write about it soon when i have loads to  brag about :D ...

lastly i forgot..everyday when i check my profile here.. i see a viewer from texas,, its kind of fascinating who is it?? hello who ever it is hi!!! thanks for reading my blogs but i guess you can also follow it so it would get  easier to read i suppose hehe...

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