Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Alright alright ... the whole 12/12/12/ thingy is almost over now without any sort of calamities or any unexpected activities.. as people thought it would end with.. since this date 21st dec has been predicted by the mayan calender .. as the world's end day.. everyone has been just linking up each and every small weird or peculiar thing with the world's end.. gosh i really don't think anything as such is ever going to happen...

My nani, who's birthday happens to be today was so uptight and apprehensive about this whole trio of the number 12 falling on the same date.. but to her surprise  her birthday was celebrated in the bestest way ever..and so she is happy happy.. today happened to be the birthday of "krishh and saanvi " also .. one of my senior designer's twin kids.. who turned 2 today.. adorably cute ...

So the day ended on a normal note... cake.. celebrations etc .. much better then yesterday i must say.... its really beyond understanding that why people don't let you be at peace, when they see you peaceful? 
in my former posts i did mention about a friend who likes someone....and he is just not ready to accept this fact that, that person doesn't want to have a relation or fall in any sort of affair, because she had a break up and after a break up as i have mostly seen,, people either want to be in a relation ASAP or they just do not want to be in a relation at all .. and she believes the latter one i suppose, and i guess its pretty justified, when one of your relations do not work out , you obviously will  hesitate to fall in a second one and go through all of it all over again and end up getting hurt again.. its scary.. but my friend's behavior is certainly not proper, the whole " i-will-die-without-her" thingy.. i just don't feel its ok, if someone doesn't see you the way you see them, doesn't mean you'll just die..huh...

life is so unpredictable , simply anything happens at any damn moment, 2 days back while walking my way back home, on this highly crowded street of lower parel, just as i was trying to avoid myself from getting suffocated due to the pungent odor of the garbage heap, which remains stationed right in the middle of the road on one of the corners.. to my horror i saw a bike who brushed past a man, walking normally on the road and this fellow slipped and fell, and his cellphone flew up in the air and fell right into the big garbage heap..i was in a shock for a few seconds, that man just could have died.. 

so thats how things are these days, our brand is finally launching, the response also seems to be pretty decent, hope things go from good to better and from better to best!!! yayy :D hehehe i am pretty excited as this is the first time i am designing professionally for a brand.. fingers crossed, i wont be naming it so soon, hehehe will write about it soon when i have loads to  brag about :D ...

lastly i forgot..everyday when i check my profile here.. i see a viewer from texas,, its kind of fascinating who is it?? hello who ever it is hi!!! thanks for reading my blogs but i guess you can also follow it so it would get  easier to read i suppose hehe...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

everything at once

lazy sunday as it really is... at home only whiling away time.. sometimes you need such lazy days off from work from the world from everything..  so while i was like dead bored.. scrolling up and down my face book page.. without anything fruitful,, thought why not scribble a bit.. despite of my "shock full laptop" i am managing somehow... crazy it is like me.. the surface of me laptop gives considerably good amount of electric shocks.. which is strong enough to get you out of a reverie ... lol  ..
Someone wise suggested me to listen to this song...: " everything at once" by lenka. OMG its so damn cool...not just the way how its sung, the music and all those things.. its meaning is like so profound... would like to pen down a few stanzas from that song..:
It just made me go back to my childhood, where we had the power to wish and become everything at once....absolutely nothing could stop us from thinking anything and everything at once...sometimes i am bewildered by the way and depth with which a human brain can think and imagine...there is so much beauty in the human brain, anything can be brought to life with just the way we imagine...

Had a long discussion with my best buddy....but don't know why things can't be the same as before...
i am clueless.. absolutely clueless...i think with time i only ill have to step out of this... because my friend has already made his choices.. which is pretty justified.. but ya what will always hurt me is.. that my explanations just wen absolutely unheard....

i really went through" everything at once" in this year 2012... sad.. happy, disappointing, success,, failure.. love, betrayal, venture and break ups...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

slipping away...

Its really not a very happy feeling today... seems like i am loosing my best budddy slowly and steadily .... had no plans or mood of blogging today as nothing great had happened  except for the never ending madness at work about the showing dates.. messy and disorganized.. everywhere its the same therefore nothing new... but regarding my friend.. my heart is really aching on this... i am watching my friendship slowly dying, i dont know what to do or how to mend this, when i can see how my friend on their own want to move towards a path which i dont even want to look at... they claim that i am still the same for them but how is it possible??  i seriously am waiting for the day when i shall be relieved from all such grudges and harsh feelings for anyone... so many times i try to just get rid of all this but fail, really dont know how it will be ok.. just hope some day it is.....

Thursday, December 6, 2012

sad but true... :)

Really, when there is a crack in the glass.. it may remain in a single piece but the crack always remains.. it can never be  mended.. similarly, a heart once broken can not be mended even if its bandaged like several times.. the wound still remains..a relation once tampered with.. always can be made better, quite good in fact, but it can never be the same...what can be done in such a situation? i guess cribbing and feeling bad inside at every moment.. doesn't help much, in fact doesn't help at all... we do feel bad at like many occasions .... things hurt us, we remember good times...still we have to accept facts..

every now and then i am ending up fighting with that friend of mine whom i considered like one of the closest and bestest... we fight ...give explanations.. and according to my friend.. my place is still the same(which i fail to believe anymore).. but i guess its time i let it go ....i think i am giving up today.... some relations are short lived only it matter how much my friend tries to convince me about my importance.. it seems impossible to believe it.. so in such a situation i think the best thing that can be done is ... to just let it go.... i had never imagined such a day would spring up.. but it did...and its good actually.. because life is all about such situations... at every small step .. we surely would be facing such things in life.

sometimes i just don't understand.. if i was so incompetent then .. why was i there at all??... those few words of my friend.. changed me completely..."u were not there when i needed you".. they still haunt me like anything...somewhere or the other i only am responsible i guess for whetever happened.. but my not being there when my friend needed a best buddy.. was also justified...but.. sadly justifications are always taken as excuses only...
would always wish the bestesttttttt for my friend.. and its entirely their choice with whom they want to be.. :) 

time really changes us...we ourselves don't realize how much we have changed.. how far ahead we have moved.. un till one day when someone we meet on the way..and they tell us to look at out watch and ask" what's the time?" its then that we realize that its too late. to go back.......

my friend will always remain in my heart in my good wishes and in all the prayers i shall pray...but i guess.. my heart got this jerk and with the jerk its doors have closed.. and i have somehow locked myself up... refusing to open up to anyone.. just anyone.. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

fruit salad

Everyday.. as i walk down the road on my way to office... thousands of thoughts keep flashing in my head, endlessly... billions of faces come  in front of my that very moment i have this craving to pen all my thoughts down but helpless as i am, i can't do that( as i failed to register myself on mobile bloggr) and when i come back home all tired , dead, frustrated and utterly cheesed off..i just don't know what to write? whatever i post is mostly based on this thing called " life".. funny but that's what i noticed that many of my past posts's contain the word " life" even in their titles..But that's what we all revolve around, and that's what revolves around us always , at every minute and every moment..its life and only life all around, be it good , bad, happy or sad.. it is life and its entirely upon us how we take it... smile , crib, cry or be full of happiness.. it will keep moving with the speed of time.. it never seems to stop.

Today, while walking , as i usually keep reading the funny and amusing hoardings hung up high, for the whole word to notice them..saw one of these ironically funny one's.. it read" jyotish salaahey bilkul free !!! 30 din mey asar na honey par 100% money back" lol i mean, what were they thinking?? when you are giving free advises then what will you pay the person back that too 100%, if the mumbo jumbo thing doesn't work in 30 days.. funny.. such things are surely possible only in our country, where people trust "trust" more than "logic" i must say, the "law of attraction" which states that what you believe is what you attract, its all in your thoughts, is of a very high magnitude in our country, where people believe something like so sternly that it does come true.

Past few days have been very weird, don't know what is it that's frustrating and literally agitating me so much? its like so so much anger has been suppressed and now its getting impossible to hold it back any more. Have been fighting with people, fought last night with one of my good friends, the one who seems to be wishing for something which i don't think can never be possible, isin't it irritaing when you are like so sure about something and still people keep on arguing over it? its like why cant they understand such a simple point? we may be wrong but , one certain occasions i think things are like destined to go badly haywire, no matter how much it is tried to be kept in place.

Came back home fought with sis, fought with everyone, then its a state of void when you can't express or explain what you are going through and people just smile it off and its like the worst thing at that moment that anyone can do to you, seems like a dormant volcano inside you has suddenly become active...

well well.. things keep going this way only it seems.. oh i forgot to mention about my buddy Ankit.. he got placed.. wow in his dream company. he was like really crestfallen, due to this whole placement shit.. so i very wisely gave hima piece of my mind... lol after all i could as i was more experienced in this case dude hehehe... and he made it.. so happy for him..
its moms birthday on the 10th and i am like clueless about what to gift her... had thought of making her something by hand, as in some handwork, embroidery  or something but, my disorganized schedule is just not allowing me to  do it :(.. so i  guess i will be gifting her a new cellphone.. yippiee!! hehehe shhh... its a secret.. see ya till next time ... gn

Sunday, December 2, 2012

adieu to my alma mater...

December 1st 2012.. the D day the convocation day of bath 2008-12, B.des., Bf.Tech.,MFM.,M.des...... 4 years back( as i was from the bachelors programm no offense ot the masters batch)... students from far and wide, came to one of the most prestigious fashion colleges in india and on globe.. with hopes soaring high, endless dreams, full of life, full of enthusiasm.... strange faces slowly became the buddies of life..within no time, we learned the lessons of our lives.. came across beautiful people who taught us as our teachers , some lessons which will never ever be forgotten and will always move with us as we will take each step in life ahead. 4 years back as young and naive people .. little did we know that life would be so soo different the day we will be passing out after finishing our studies.. 4 years seemed a lifetime .. we thought it was like never ending, whenever the assignments or the work pressure used to be like reaching the brim. But yesterday , it all ended.
Yes, we shall never go back to that place now to attend any lectures, or hang around aimlessly in the cafetaria, heartlessly sit in the library for hours, watch cricket match in the cafetaria with the security guards, loaf around on the canteen valas bicycle(lol).. make lame excuses fo rbeing late to class... fight with the bestest of our buddies without even knowing the reasons, running to farthest parts of the world for sourcing , madly running around for printouts just a few hours before the jury, last mintue pinning and stapelling of garments which need to go on the ramp in like 5 secs, dancing like drunkards and doing funny shaadi kinda dances on nights like : spectrum and dandiya....

There have been biter sweet memoreis of college, but time just flew... and here we are... out in this big bad world now.... this place taught us the biggest and smallest of the lessons of life, which will definitely be very important in every decisons and endeavour in life that we shall take... this last day was a day of reunions.. and also some misunderstandings.. which may never be sorted out.. but then as it is said.. time is the best healer..

in the end would love to thank my college.. for whetever it gave me... the pride of being called a "Graduate" specially.. met lovely people here  perfect teachers.. awaseome juniors... brilliant seniors and some of the bestest buddies for lifetime...

time to say goodbye.. but when we are together by heart.. there are no goodbyes... 

Met my classmates, batchmates, teachers, even the guards and other helpers... and the best part was that i re united with some of those people with whom i was in a very strong bond at a point of time.. and due to some misunderstandings those bonds had faltered but not broken, that's what i realized when i hugged those people yesterday, never wanted to end this beautiful phase of my college life on any sort of "grudge notes".... but ya there was a little disappointment as well.. on the part of some people who had been like very close to me.. and just due to some misunderstandings.. they were so ready to give up this beautiful thing called" friendship"...without even trying to clear things .. guess they wanted such an occasion .. where they could just slip out silently.. i guess that person was the only one whom i didn't hug, as i was openly ignored when i took an initiative ...well may be they never wanted only to bbe in that sweet memory list of mine...but no love lost.. its all good and one  thing i have learned now so far is that instead of cribbing about the past.. we should just flow with the future and present current... life is beautiful and i guess a little too short to hold grudges.. hope i too am able to forgive and also forget that friend of mine... for whatever happened.. and rememeber only the good times spent with them.. :)