Friday, August 31, 2012

office office

Its September 1st, and its our boss's birthday today, at office,(its my 3rd month of work..just started working :)) everyone is busy preparing for it... ohh i havnt mentioned much about people at office and all the new friends i made recently.
The day i joined, it didnt seem that cool as such i mean it was a very mixed feeling , i am sure most of us feel the same when its like our very 1st job. Just out of college , my friend namrata and i joined this company together actually in better words, we got placed together .. when i entered office , saw this bright blue color with a cool gray combination everywhere.. the best part was when i got my own desk wow.. a good feeling :D hehehe.. my own pc, and bla bla bla , well how my office is i shall go on with that now.. i work in a garment industry, as a designer .. people are absolutely chilled out here.. but whats worth watching in office is,... the second half..:D after lunch eveyrone seems to just go in a different state of mind, theres madness everywhere, running for approvals, there's a huge tugg of war, and on one side.. funny songs from the old rapchik hindi movies keep playing its really a sight :P....and all this madness is followed by a funny local train journey back home, gosh the way women fight and panic is like unbelievable ...threats, warnings, screams, scratching, pinching yelling... you cant even think of anything else.. but ya it really makes you realize that you are alive, because you wish and pray for just a small breath of fresh air, as you are stuffed and jam packed , in that small train compartment, as if Hitler has repeated history and its again the black hole tragedy. 

once i escape from this railway jungle, its time for the "BEST BUSES" what an ironic name they have been given, BEST... god knows from which angle :P... the biggest problem i face is.. that the numbers of the buses are written in the hindi counting, and it s soo damn confusing, everyday i end up running behind an anonymous bus and ask the conductor or the driver if that bus would go to my destination?...pheww.... that's  
how a mundane day is in my life... instead of working right now i am blogging here :P... hehehe

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