Thursday, September 27, 2012

just a "PEACE" of mind

A mundane day breaks..the earth wrapped in a chiffon layer of sunlight...
people wake up, with a lot of new things in mind, what has to be done for the day, all plans, all the dads surely must be thinking about the presentation they have to make in the office while a housewife mom must be worried about what she has to cook for breakfast and hopefully she makes it fast, and her husband and kids don't get late for school.

in all this hustle bustle, as the day begins... at some point of the day, even while working, when your are absolutely tied up... some things.. some memories, some people in the past, some incidents, some recited words or dialogues, do linger in the back of your head, and the sometimes seem to haunt you. Just when you feel that you have started living life with a new hope or aim, life stops you and makes you turn back and see... that the past.. no matter how much you wish to forget or come out of.. does haunt and follow you, curse you and blame you always.

Life is a series of uncertain events, do we ever realize ... how many times we just miss out death in a normal day to work? does that thought ever run down our brain, that may be... while crossing the road today, when we just missed that car and took a deep breath and felt that adventurous escape, we actually could have died there and then. Even when everyone is aware of all the short time span for which we all are together in this world, all we do is "FIGHT" and hold grudges.... experienced a very shocking display of emotions today at work, people were howling and pouncing at each other like beasts, though  its all a part of the experience... but why cant we just wait for a minute and think....did we really make today a memorable one?? for ourselves and for others too?? a memory that would always bring a smile on their faces.. a memory that would give them a positive vibe.. a boost of happiness..

As far as i can see( as much as my contact lenses allow me to)... sometimes there's "ALL LOVE NO WAR" and the very next moment, each and every corner converts into a battleship, be it work, the local trains, the general store guy, Bai at home, your own roomates, the roomates of your roomates, your friend's, freind's friend's, there friends, acquaintance .. everyone seems to be just looking for one chance to SHOOT the other person. Where is the humanity? Love i personally don't understand so id better cal it humanity, kindness, and compassion for others.

Hope to see a positive day tomorrow and a brighter side of life too.. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

puzzled.. really makes you feel like a piece of puzzle.. that is wrongly packed in a wrong game box... theres no place for it to fit requirement.. away from its slot..far very hurt..and not because of an enemy.. not because of an acquaintance.. but because of one of the closest people in life... i guess..all the people who come so close to us.. definitely come so close to hurt us so much and teach us a never forgetting lesson...funny... but true.. a friend who had always been soo close always there...actually went away from me today..something just died inside... i know things will never be the same..but then..i dont knw its a confusing state...whom to blame ..its actually my own nature may be ..i guess somethings are just supposed to be left to time.....